Meet Carmen




My name is Carmen, and i’m glad your checking this blog out! Although taking photos just started as a hobby for me, it is something that I have really grown to love! There is something very special about capturing small moments that transpire between people and being able to give those moments back to them in such a lasting way.

I am a wife and a mother of two, and i cherish both of those roles. You may also catch me sneaking in photos of my sweet babies time to time, so I apologize in advance. The temptation is too great, and their smiles too bright! 😉

My deepest desire when photographing my clients is to capture the love between them. I know some “posing” we just can’t get around, but my favorite photos are always the candid moments when no one knows the camera is watching– Photos that capture the glances, smiles, giggles and playful moments that so perfectly reflect day to day life.

(Based in Salem/Roanoke, VA)


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